BC Minor Ball Hockey is Growing: Welcome North Shore Lions!

We are excited to announce that the North Shore Lions, a newly formed minor association in the Lower Mainland, will be joining the BC Ball Hockey Association (BCBHA) starting in the 2026 season.

Metro Minor is working closely with this group to grow the game in the North Shore.  With the Lions joining our ranks in 2026, we will bring the game to the North Shore — bringing more teams, heightened competition, and additional chances for players to showcase their passion for ball hockey!

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Harjot Guram, President of Metro Minor, president@metroballhockey.com or Ethan Gill, President of North Shore Minor Ball Hockey, presidentnsmbha@gmail.com.

Let’s give the North Shore Lions a warm welcome and wish them continued success as they plan for the 2026 season.

IG @northshoreminorballhockey